It’s almost a week now since the AOIR conference „Let’s play“ ended. I’m not really good at live conference blogging, especially after I’ve witnessed Axel Bruns‘ speed – it seemed he had his accounts of all the sessions published even before they began -, but I should at least summarizeContinue Reading

(SPOILER ALERT if you read this before saturday 8.30 pacific time.. :)). On saturday morning, I’ll be participating in a round table discussion on Social Networking Sites. Nancy Baym, our chair, asked us discussants to answer three questions in advance; here they are with my answers as well: (1) IdentifyContinue Reading

After my 8-days-roundtrip of the Pacific Northwest, I’ve come back to Vancouver on Tuesday where the „Internet Research 8.0: Let’s play“ conference kicked off last night. Actually, there was kind of a pre-pre-kickoff meeting on tuesday night at a bar close to one of the conference hotels, suggested by SimoneContinue Reading

Dieses Weblogs sieht zwar neu aus, baut aber auf auf den 3 Jahren Blogerfahrung (siehe hier) auf. Mein beruflicher Wechsel von Bamberg nach Hamburg ist der Grund, warum ich neu anfange… This blog appears to be pretty new, but actually I’ve been blogging over here for a couple of yearsContinue Reading